Melbourne’s international students have already worked hard to rent a suite! The school season is coming again, and the fight against the house is on the verge!

Time is in the middle and late July, and the major universities in Australia are welcoming the opening season of the middle of the year.

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However, for international students, whether it is first coming to Australia or returning from vacation, the first problem before us is to find a house!

To say that renting a house in Melbourne, then all international students must have the most say.

There are some legends about renting in the student circle in Melbourne.

Good house can only rely on grab
One suite of forty or fifty people compete at the same time
Was taken away within half an hour
Tuhao open mouth to increase the price
I can only touch the pockets of poverty.
Quietly retreat…

This is definitely not a joke!
Take a look at the rental scene below and you will know~

What is it like a sea of people!

What is the water leak!

I know that it is the viewing room.
I don’t know if this scene was throwing money on the scene.

According to the Australian Financial Review, apartment rentals in Melbourne city attracted more than 500 inquiries and received 150 rental applications. Almost all apartments were rented within a few hours.

The developer said: “We were shocked by the enthusiasm of people watching the house. We only put a brand on the front of the street to advertise. Half an hour before the start of the viewing time, the waiting team has already reached the corner.”

According to the Australian real estate website Domain, Melbourne rentals are tight, and student renting has become a major problem. ↓↓

Especially for the schools close to the school and convenient transportation, it is the focus of competition for students who are convenient for school!

However, the price of the rent
It is also a big problem in front of countless students!

Rent + deposit for students who are away from home
Not a small amount
The rent is based on the principle of saving a little bit
It’s hard to see a good list.
Next, look at the “face” of the landlord and the intermediary.

Because of the many competitors except students
There are also many local office workers
The landlord is always preferred to have a stable job at birth.
Even the salary income level will be filtered through layers.
As an international student
Basically, you can only “stand by”…

The most over-the-top is the “local tyrants” tenants.
In order to rent a suite
Inconsistent with the increase in price
The rent is so high that the red fruit is raised.
It is difficult to rent a house!
High rent!
A room is hard to find!
Today, the Melbourne rental market is comparable to the “battlefield”

Any set of downtown apartments at this time
Put it in the rental market for a few days and you will be “robbed”
The vacancy rate of urban apartments has reached a record low!

The reason is not difficult to understand –

First of all, a good house near Melbourne, with convenient transportation and complete living facilities, is very scarce.

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Secondly, the stability of students in Melbourne is increasing steadily, and the pressure on renting houses is high, and it is difficult to rent a house.

In addition, because of the “unstable” state of life, international students have been “specially treated” by many intermediaries and landlords, making the rental experience very unpleasant.
In fact, instead of renting a suitable house, why not consider having a home of your own?

Have you ever thought about it?
In fact, your rent for the next five years
Enough to make yourself a safe and secure life

Oh, if this is what you are now

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Oh, then this is the state of life you can have in the future↓

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And, with the rapid rise in housing prices in Melbourne
Buying a house is not only more comfortable
In the future, you can also benefit from the appreciation of the property.
Property appreciation over time

Everyone has heard reports that housing prices have continued to rise and that the rapid growth in the past few years has been overwhelming. The growth rate of major cities in Australia has been growing steadily, which is undoubtedly a good news for the family.

Rental income offsets living expenses

Buying a house in addition to self-occupation, you can get rental income by renting extra bedrooms and living rooms.

Give us a sense of security and belonging

Don’t worry about being homeless when the landlord is rushed out of the house, don’t worry about the pounds being detained.

What’s more important is that you don’t have to go to the east to run the queue, see the house, apply, and no longer have to worry about moving.

Melbourne’s most central location
a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity

Ritz-Carlton · West Side Place
Located at the junction of Spencer St and Lonsdale St in the heart of Melbourne, it occupies a convenient location in the heart of the business district, just a stone’s throw from all that life needs.

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The world-class developer Far East Development Group has built four buildings including luxury residences, shops and super five-star hotels, covering all kinds of comprehensive facilities.

Because of the superior location and the cost-effectiveness of the comprehensive configuration of the apartment, the purchase of Ritz-Carlton Apartments is a very good choice for the long-term rental market to obtain stable rental income or to operate a short-term rental as Airbnb.

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