24 Jul

Australia broke 300 cases and Victoria exceeded 280! Morrison: It will further reduce the number of people arriving at the Australian International Airport~ Mortgage is postponed until January next year. Australians under the epidemic will use their brains on tax refunds!

Today’s Introduction ● There are 300 new cases in Australia, and Victoria added 285+… ● The housing and commercial loan extension plan will be implemented until January next year ● Morrison: Will further reduce the...
24 Jul

Heavy! Today there is a surge of 436 cases, and the patients will be transferred to another state! The cost of eradicating the new crown is too great, only to successfully suppress the epidemic! Supermarket officials announced the cancellation of the nationwide purchase restriction order! Monash waits for major layoffs!

Today’s Introduction 01 |A second wave of epidemics broke out in Australia. The daily surge in confirmed cases has made Australians feel the severity of the epidemic again. 02 | Morrison confirms Australia’s anti-epidemic strategy:...
24 Jul

296 new cases were added today! It is mandatory to wear a mask when driving and going to class, and offenders are heavily punished! There is no need to be tested on admission, hundreds of doctors and nurses are infected! Experts call for hurry up Phase 4: We can’t wait!

● Australia added 296, and food processing plants have been recruited. According to data released today, Victoria added 275 cases. ● The governor’s heavy official announcement: From midnight on Wednesday, Melburnians must wear masks when...
24 Jul

Victoria increased by 375 cases! The new version of Australia JobKeeper was announced on Thursday! 1.2 million masks are distributed for free! Melbourne women complained that the blockade was too boring, the governor criticized: it is better than the intensive care unit

Today’s Introduction 01 Today, there are nearly 400 cases in Australia and 375 in Victoria. The epidemic has begun to spread rapidly across Australia. 02 Australia JobKeeper 2.0 version announced on Thursday! The subsidy standard...
24 Jul

309 new cases were added today, and the Victorian blockade may be extended for several months! “I would rather catch the virus than to protest” 4400 people want to march in Sydney! As long as the test is performed, 300 dollars will be issued after the result!

Today’s Introduction Victoria’s “mandatory mask” regulations have come into effect, and many businesses have cooperated with the government to implement new regulations. Recently, the infection rate of the virus has dropped to close to 1....
26 Jun

维州今日再添20例!! 澳政府官宣:疫苗不出,或无限期封国!病毒检测点挤爆,州长下令新开多个地点!现阶段墨尔本竟又有人抢厕纸!

导言 前情提要  News 今天最新疫情数据! 维州新增20例…连续8天出现两位数新增 在过去24小时维州新增1例死亡死者是一名80多岁的男子 同时,各位还记得吗? 澳政府官宣:疫苗不出,或无限期封国!坏消息:人体难产生抗体!在今年三月时在朋友圈不断刷屏的窒息景象… 几个月过去,澳洲疫情平稳正当我们以为这件事情会成为经典笑话时却没想到随着维州的第二波疫情爆发.. “抢厕纸”这件事也将卷土重来?   别忘了今年三月你我都见证过的天大笑话… 根据《每日邮报》的报道,目前在维州公布的疫情热点区,似乎又出现了抢购厕纸的热潮… 在报道中,墨尔本Brimbank和Hume等地区的小超商,部分商品已经被抢购一空。 但观察下来,几家较大的超市,像是Coles和Woolworths的供应都还是正常。 不过能明显感受到有许多购物者抱着巨大的包装袋走出超市,每个包装袋里有多达36卷厕纸。 在报道中,一位Brimbank居民表示,他早上听到广播说维州许多人又开始囤货,以防万一,他也赶紧到超市抢购厕纸。 这名男子随后还给家人打电话,让他们尽快囤货。消息很快传遍了整个地区,担忧的消费者甚至远赴Hoppers Crossing和Werribee的超市买货…. 但大家也不用太紧张… 我们今早也跑到CBD的超市看了一下 卫生纸还是正常供货,甚至还有降价促销 大家也别忘了在今年三月时,维州人疯狂抢厕纸的荒谬场景,甚至还有人为了厕纸在超市大打出手… 结果搞到最后,也很少出现严重缺货或是真买不到的情况…就算真的有买不到的地方,通常也不会长时间缺货,超市补货速度也十分快… 更不用说当时囤厕纸在网上兜售,甚至喊价到1000刀,这些想发不义之财的人,最后也都没啥好下场… 在今年四月时,澳洲一间超市的主管在YouTube上发布一则影片,愤怒的指责一位想退货的客人。 魔幻的2020,即将过去一半 今年的你,无论身在世界的哪一个角落 都一定被这场史无前例的恐怖疫情所影响。 而随着中国和澳洲较为成功的防疫, 大家的焦点也慢慢从疫情上转到了复工复产上 但是,大家忽略了一个残酷的事实 疫情仍在持续,且愈演愈烈 截至6月23日 全球累计确诊已经超过900万人...
22 May

The prime location of Melbourne’s traditional wealthy area, low-density boutique apartment [OLEA Ole Residence], attend the top prestigious schools in Caulfield, and enjoy luxury life!

Zunbo Real Estate Group The items recommended for you today are OLEA Mansion 项目名称:OLEA 奥莱公馆 所在城市:Melbourne 墨尔本 所在区域:Caulfield North 项目地址:44-54 Kambrook R 项目房型:  7套联排 + 55套公寓 价格范围:$479,500-$ 1,315,000 交割时间:2021年底或2022年初 OLEA’s design comes from C &...